RGB:97 179 228
CMYK: 61 14 0 0
HEX: #61b3e4
NES: 21
Primary Colour
RGB: 185 206 23
CMYK:36 0 97 0
HEX: #b9ce17
NES: 29
Secondary Colour
RGB: 57 170 53
CMYK: 75 0 100 0
HEX: #39aa35
NES: 19
I ended with two versions of the wallpaper. The first a simple repeat pattern using alternate colouring, the second is the same pattern but with a 1/3 drop. It creates an interesting zig zag pattern that breaks up the monotonous nature of the first. Both are effective and engaging, though the second version is my favourite. The small detail of alternate colour usage is enough to make the pattern look interesting from afar. I like that it is such a subtle detail. Overall I feel this has been very successful; it is modern and approachable, whilst still having the bright, cartoon, child-like colours produced by the NES.