

Monday, 5 October 2015

Extended Practice - Module Brief

Module Brief
Brief Title:Extended Practice
Module Tutor(s):Amber Smith/Simon Jones/Danny CookneyBriefing Date:Monday 05/10/2016
This module will support you in developing a self-initiated body of work that reflects your creative, professional and practical concerns within the field of contemporary design practice.
The work produced during this module should demonstrate your ability to plan, research, produce and present a substantial, innovative and informed body of work. It will also demonstrate your understanding of contemporary practice and your position within graphic design practice.
An initial statement of intent/position statement will be produced which will clearly identify and articulate the following:
  • Subject matter
  • Research methods
  • Practical development (media, productions, skills)
  • Contextual references
  • Approaches to documentation
  • Reflection and evaluation
  • Time scale
As a result of this you will create a body of work in two parts:

Part One
Design PracticeYou are required to identify, negotiate and resolve a series of design briefs which are appropriate to your individual design practice. A range of briefs should be included in order for you to fulfill all learning outcomes and create a varied and individual body of work, you will be expected to include live, competition and self directed briefs that you have undertaken collaboratively and independently, which should allow you to demonstrate a high level of practical and conceptual design skills informed by a contextual and theoretical understanding.
You will be required to formalise briefs in the provided format and present work as directed in the appropriate professional conventions.
Part Two
Project Journal
Your blog will be used it to document the research, development (both practical and contextual) and management of your final major project. This should include your statement of intent/position statement, ongoing evaluation and reflection of your progress, documentation of research 
(both practical and contextual) undertaken, and a summative evaluation of your project. In addition to your blog you will be required to present evidence of time/project management  in the form of a paper based project file.