

Monday, 19 October 2015

Student Elections: Line Weights & Colours

The next step was to take the feedback we were given and alter our designs accordingly.

The first set of feedback was to experiment with a thinner line weight.
Moving on from the previous design further steps were taken to make to orbits uniform. In the top left, another planet and its moon were added for the 'Governor' role. It's position balances the overall circle well.
This surprisingly took very long; piece-by-piece moving and readjusting each element and it's orbit until it worked.
This design was my most favoured so far. It is clean, simple and minimal, as well as still holding the cartoon like sizes that Beth originally created/had imagined. I am very proud of the advancement of our work so far. It is evolving into a coherent very well informed design.

The next step was colour experimentation. Beth took charge of this process. In a small meeting had, the SU mentioned they wanted to use 'muted brights' a concept Beth had to explain to me. With a little bit of quick research for my own understanding, I liked the idea. She created a palette of colours that worked harmoniously together.


For the next few hours we worked separately Beth focusing mainly on the thicker versions whilst I focused on thinner. The decision was made to advance both as a way of giving the SU wider options when we next present. Based off Beth's palette I took the colour over into my version of the design editing the colours slightly: brighter/more saturation.

Additionally, Beth had the magical idea to incorporate shadows to stop the colours/planets looking too 'flat'. This design element definitely enhanced the overall quality of the design.
I briefly experimented with line colours, another aspect we though of changing. At this stage we were working with white on darker backgrounds but a littler experimentation never hurt anybody. In the last image, the overlapping vector strokes appear as white on grey lines. Even though this was by accident and chance I did like the visual of being able to see 'construction lines'. 

However, at this point I stopped experimenting because we were definitely getting carried away and being sucked into the rabbit hole that it 'lets try every single colour/variation/combination ever', and we are working to tight deadlines, a constant element that we have to keep in mind throughout. 

Collaboration Partner: Beth Taylor